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Functional Needs Sheltering Standard Operations Guide (SOG) Guidance and CEMP Annex (2013)

Building on previous WRHSAC IRAA projects and following up on feedback from multiple exercises conducted in the region, the WRHSAC Individuals Requiring Additional Assistance (IRAA) Standard Operating Guidance (SOG) and Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) Annex project was established. The working group for the project is compiled of responders from throughout the region and state agency partners including DPH, MEMA and the State Office of Disability. FFY2010 funded.

This project established checklist style Functional Needs SOGs for municipal Emergency Management Directors (EMD), shelter managers and other first responders. It developed a Functional Needs CEMP Annex template for municipalities to use as a guide. Learn more here. The project was completed in 2013.

Reference: Functional Needs, Indivduals Requiring Additional Assistance, Shelter Planning

Individuals Requiring Additional Assistance (IRAA) (2011)

Emergency preparedness for Individuals Requiring Additional Assistance (IRAA) Functional Needs is an area of ongoing focus for the WRHSAC. Accomplishments of the project to date include: “Let’s Make A Plan” emergency preparedness education for IRAA individuals and support agencies; continuing operation planning for CBOs that support IRAA; first responder awareness training; IRAA sheltering considerations and emergency response strategies specific to the deaf and hard of hearing. To learn more and access documents visit the project website page.

Individuals Requiring Additional Assistance

Reference: Functional Needs, Indivduals Requiring Additional Assistance, personal emergency preparedness, Shelter Planning

School Outreach for IRAA Emergency Preparedness (2011)

This project focused on improving all-hazards emergency preparedness and response capacity for IRAA students, faculty and staff in public elementary and secondary schools. Tools established in early IRAA projects were utilized as a basis for this school readiness program. The project coordinated will be with parent organizations, school faculty and staff, first responders and students. Individual emergency preparedness plan tools for students, parents/guardians, and teacher where developed in the project. These are available for anyone to use. To learn more visit the project page.

Reference: Functional Needs, Indivduals Requiring Additional Assistance, Schools